Office Closing due to Hurricane Florence
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September 11, 2018
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August 27, 2018
In the vast array of medical-grade cosmetics, or “cosmeceuticals”, it can be overwhelming and expensive to figure out which ones work best. So we’ve asked our medical experts who know what to look for in medical-grade cosmetics, what they like best. Today’s highlight is on Dr. Ashley Reed’s favorite: Neocutis® LUMIÈRE. “My favorite medical-grade cosmetic product... Read More
August 4, 2018
As part of our comprehensive skin care focus, we offer “cosmeceuticals” which are skincare products that contain biologically active compounds that can have pharmaceutical effects on the skin. For example, if you want to lessen the effects of aging and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, there’s a vast array of products on the... Read More
June 13, 2018
Watch Part II of Dr. Tara Buehler’s video and discover how much sunscreen you should apply and how often you should reapply it. Should you be concerned about getting your recommended amount of vitamin D from the sun? Why is sunscreen so important? Watch and find out. To learn more about our medical providers or... Read More
April 16, 2018
We are thrilled to welcome two new providers to the Pariser Dermatology team! Both Dr. Koch and Dr. Buehler officially joined PDS on April 2, 2018. Dr. Koch sees patients in Williamsburg on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and sees patients in Newport News on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Dr. Buehler practices in our Virginia Beach office on... Read More
April 5, 2018
Many patients ask how they can be sure that they are getting enough Vitamin D and if spending time outdoors on a sunny day is the best way to get it. You might be surprised to learn that natural sunlight is not the safest source of Vitamin D. Watch this video by Pariser Dermatology’s Dr. Molly... Read More
March 13, 2018
We all sweat. It’s a normal and necessary body function. But, there are many people who sweat excessively. To the point where it interferes with daily activities and can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, anxiety-inducing, dangerous and disabling. This kind of sweating is called Hyperhidrosis and you might be surprised to know that it affects nearly 5%... Read More
December 13, 2017
Pariser dermatologist Dr. Cyndi Torosky is passionate about understanding the effects of psoriasis and takes a comprehensive approach to treating it. Psoriasis (sore-EYE-ah-sis) is a chronic (long-lasting) disease. It develops when a person’s immune system sends faulty signals that tell skin cells to grow too quickly. New skin cells form in days rather than weeks. The body... Read More
November 22, 2017
Baby Foot is one of our most popular products here at Pariser Dermatology Specialists. It’s pretty amazing to see how simple it is to put your feet in the plastic “footies” and let the 17 types of natural extracts exfoliate and moisturize your feet at the same time. Dead, dry skin literally peels away to... Read More
November 17, 2017
Dr. Cyndi Torosky of Pariser Dermatology Specialists talks about acne and how your diet plays a part. You’ll be surprised at some of her findings! Dr. Torosky sees patients in our Virginia Beach and Chesapeake office locations. Call 757-622-6315 to make your appointment today! Click here to request an appointment online. Share this...FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmail
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