If you enjoyed a lot of outdoor summer activities it’s likely that they took a toll on your skin. Fall is the perfect time to revamp your skincare routine and reclaim that radiant glow in time for the upcoming holidays. Some fall cosmetic treatments require multiple sessions spaced out over time, so starting early is always a good idea. Here is an overview of some of the most popular cosmetic treatments available at Pariser Dermatology Specialists.

One of the most well-known cosmetic treatments is Botox® Cosmetic. This injectable is great at reducing forehead wrinkles, frown lines and crow’s feet for adults. Also, the sun is not the only reason you can develop these wrinkles. Consistently frowning or squinting can also cause you to develop facial wrinkles. Botox® Cosmetic is a great solution! This treatment temporarily paralyzes facial muscles so those visible lines are less noticeable. Patients often see improvement in 1-2 days, and see maximum results in approximately 30 days.
Facial Fillers
Botox can help reduce wrinkles, but what products can help you regain the fullness of your skin? Fillers, such as Juvederm XC, Voluma, Restylane, and Belotero. Facial fillers are great options for recovering lost volume in your skin. Facial filler injections are composed of a compound called hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a sugar naturally produced in the human body. HA holds water and increases the plumpness of the skin. Common areas treated with fillers are the nasal folds, the lips, under the eyes, and on the sides of the mouth to correct “marionette lines”. It can take 7-10 days to see improvement, but these filler products can last for 1-2 years! Botox and fillers are great solutions for lessening wrinkles and improving facial fullness, but what treatment options minimize blemishes, age spots and other skin imperfections? Read on…
Chemical Peels
A popular fall cosmetic treatment, chemical peeling reduces fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, uneven skin coloring and other skin imperfections. “Chemical” sounds scary, but the ingredients in these commonly used peels are naturally found in milk, almonds, citrus fruit, and sugar cane. Your skin naturally sheds its layers and chemical peels work by speeding up this natural process while also removing blemishes.
Chemical peels are a great fall cosmetic treatment because you are less likely to spend time in the direct sunlight in the fall. There are many different types of chemical peels, specific in terms of intensity and for different skin types. The more intense the peel, the longer your skin will peel after your cosmetic session, usually no more than 7 days. Using moisturizer and sunscreen in addition to avoiding excessive sweating (often through exercise) are requirements after the session. Touch-ups or maintenance visits are helpful too! Light chemical peeling should be completed once a month for 3-4 months to achieve the best results. Frequency of chemical peeling varies based on the type of chemical peel and each patient’s unique skin type.
Another great cosmetic service we offer is microneedling. “Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is great for anyone wanting to rejuvenate the skin, improve skin texture, fine lines, and acne scarring,” says Pariser Dermatology’s Master Aesthetician, Victoria Roughton. To prepare for a microneedling, your aesthetician will apply a numbing cream to the treatment area. An aesthetician uses very small needles to pierce the skin, triggering the skin’s natural healing response. This is a very safe method, especially since it causes minimal damage to the skin. Still, the skin is very red and flushed for 24 hours after treatment. Acne scars and other skin spots might require up to 5 treatments (every 6 weeks) to see improvement. Microneedling can be done yearly to keep fine lines and wrinkles under control.
Intense Pulsed Light

Also known as a “photo-facial”, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is effective at reducing sun damage presenting as a combination of red and brown markings. It can be used on the face, chest and arms,” says Pariser Dermatology’s Master Aesthetician, Victoria Roughton. Although this treatment is not a laser, IPL uses pulses of light to target unwanted skin color or blemishes. This treatment is excellent at evening out skin tone and treating age spots and fine wrinkles. Sessions are usually 20 minutes long and after desired results are achieved, this treatment can be completed yearly for maintenance.
Pulsed Dye Laser
The Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) device uses a concentrated beam of light to target blood vessels in the skin. PDL is considered the gold standard in treating reddish colored skin imperfections such as rosacea, hemangiomas, broken blood vessels and port-wine stains. PDL is safe and non-invasive with little to no down-time. Multiple treatments spaced apart will increase positive results.
Our Cosmetic Team is Here for You
There are many fall cosmetic treatments available to help you “glow up” for the holidays, whether you are trying to reduce wrinkles or lessen pigmentation or other skin imperfections. Visit our website to view all the cosmetic treatments we offer and call 757-313-5813 to schedule an appointment with one of our cosmetic physicians, providers, or aestheticians.