Join the movement to end hyperhidrosis. Don’t suffer in silence. We are here. And we are changing everything.
Nobody likes to sweat, but perspiration is crucial in order to cool down the body when it is hot, stressed or after exercising. Consider it the body’s natural air conditioner as the evaporation of sweat on the skin causes cooling. We all sweat at times but some people sweat at times when they shouldn’t. Some people sweat constantly, even if they are not hot, stressed or after they’ve exercised. This is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis and it is more common than you might think. Over 4 million people in the US have this condition. Here at Pariser Dermatology we offer a full range of treatments for hyperhidrosis including Botox® injections and systemic therapy (in pill form). For a permanent solution to excessive underarm sweating, a procedure called miraDry® permanently destroys the underarm sweat glands with microwaves. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, a consultation with one of our providers will help diagnose your condition and determine the most effective treatment for you. Often there is insurance coverage for these and other treatments.
Even if you aren’t officially diagnosed with hyperhidrosis but you still want to sweat less, we can help. Treating your condition will save you money on laundry and dry cleaning to remove underarm stains. You won’t have to worry about having wet palms when shaking hands or suffer through sweat glistening on your forehead when you make a public presentation. Maybe you just want to improve your self-confidence. Discuss your issue with one of our providers. We will help you find a solution that works for you!
Click here to learn more about miraDry.
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