Pariser Dermatology

How to Quench Dry Winter Skin

How to Quench Dry Winter Skin
Winter weather pulls moisture away from the skin.

Cold, dry windy weather wreaks havoc on our skin. Wind-burned cheeks, dry hands and cracked lips beg for our attention and thirst for hydration. Winter weather and indoor heat pull moisture away from the skin, leaving it dry, flaky and sometimes bleeding from small cracks in the skin and lips.  Unless you have super oily skin, most people prefer the natural humidity that often accompanies the warmer months. Read on to discover some ways to quench dry winter skin.

How to Quench Dry Winter Skin

There are ways to combat the drying effects of cold weather.  Replacing and retaining moisture in your dry skin is key.  Drinking more water and eating foods such as cucumbers and celery also helps to keep your body and skin hydrated.  When choosing the right winter moisturizer, creams and ointments tend to work better than lotions. When you apply a cream or ointment to your skin, it can hold more moisture in your skin than a lotion. Here are some additional tips and suggestions to hydrate your skin from the American Academy of Dermatology:

The providers at Pariser Dermatology have chosen some of their favorite skin moisturizing products that we sell online and at our offices. Click here to learn more.

When to Contact a Dermatologist

If you still have dry skin after following these tips, you may need a dermatologist’s help. To heal dry skin, some people need a prescription cream or ointment. If you have a skin condition that causes extremely dry skin, such as atopic dermatitis, you need to treat the skin condition to relieve dry skin. A dermatologist can diagnose you and provide the treatment you need.

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