Pariser Dermatology

How to Care for Your Skin in Your 60s and 70s

From the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)



During our 60s and 70s, the many changes transforming our skin can feel inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with them. The right skin care can improve how your skin feels — and looks.

Skin care changes dermatologists recommend

When it comes to skin care in our 60s and 70s, dermatologists recommend making the following lifestyle changes if you haven’t already done so.

1.  Bathe to relieve dry skin. Some simple changes to your bath time can reduce (or alleviate) dry, itchy skin and prevent dry, itchy from becoming a serious problem. Here’s what you can do:

2.  Use a humidifier when the air feels dry. Heating and air conditioning can strip humidity from the air. Dry air can make your skin feel dry and itchy. Keeping indoor humidity between 45% and 60% can reduce dry, itchy skin.

How skin can change in your 60s and 70s

Everyone ages differently, but during this time in your life, you may notice that your skin is:

3.  Wear gloves while doing housework and gardening. Working around your house and in your garden can expose your skin to harsh chemicals, sunlight, and other things that can irritate and dry your skin. When you wear gloves, you also reduce your risk of injuring your skin.

4.  Protect your skin from the sun. If you’re seeing more wrinkles, age spots, and blotches of discolored skin, you may wonder if you still need to protect your skin from the sun. You do! At this stage in your life, sun protection still offers many benefits. It helps to prevent new age spots and blotchy skin. It can reduce dry, thinning skin. It also reduces your risk of developing skin cancer.

To protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, dermatologists recommend that you:

5.  Go fragrance free. Perfumes, colognes, and skin care products that contain fragrance can irritate your skin. When you stop using these, you can reduce your risk of developing dry, itchy skin.

6.  See a dermatologist for skin cancer exams. Around 50 years of age, your risk of developing skin cancer and  pre-cancerous growths increases. As the years pass, this risk rises. When skin cancer is found early and removed, that’s often the only treatment you’ll needed. If the cancer spreads, treatment becomes more difficult.

7.  Examine your skin for signs of skin cancer. This cancer can develop quickly. Learning how to examine your skin for signs of skin cancer helps you to find skin cancer early.

When to seek a dermatologist’s help

While the right skin care can help, medications, surgery, and health problems can take a toll on your skin. A board-certified dermatologist understands the effects each of these can have on your skin and can create a treatment plan tailored to your skin’s needs.

A dermatologist can also help you safely treat skin changes, such as age spots and wrinkles when a product that you used for years starts to irritates your skin.

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